Reiki Healing symbols and usage

Reiki healing symbols and their usage in attunements

Power resides not in the Reiki symbols but in the competence of you the Healer.

Below are the basic levels of Reiki healing.Reiki I The Master implants all the Reiki symbols within the student’s aura during the attunement. The student is instructed on self healing and healing. The actual symbols are not revealed to the student. Reiki II The student is given another attunement, shown all five symbols to memorise and for distance healing. Tantric methods of controlling energy within the body are also taught. Reiki III The student is bestowed the knowledge of passing attunements

The Reiki symbols and their usage

Spirit: Dai-Ko-Myo: Transmits Reiki attunements


Dai-Ko-Myo is drawn clockwise from the centre to the outside. Ki (spiritual energy) is condensed at the centre of the figure. The act of creation. Drawn anticlockwise, the inner Ki expands to connect with the outer Ki. For dispersion and unwinding: when expansion is complete, the direction automatically reverses, bringing Ki within. These energy vortices can draw in other energies.


Heals your spiritual body, or the blueprint/template that determines the physical form. ‘Miracles’ occur with this symbol. In distance healing, energy travels from your Heart chakra to the Heart chakra of the patient. When the symbol ‘reverses’, negative energy is pulled out and released.

Doubled Symbol

The symbol arranged vertically represents Heaven and Earth. The vertical pole represents creation and is extremely powerful; it is not for playing around with. A small Raku is seen within the symbol, and this is the clue. There is a sequential development of the four elements that appear at the cardinal points. We have the Tantric square mandala, and the vertical component creates a Cosmic Cube. There is a dynamic tension, a polarity necessary for creation.

Fire: Raku

The lightning bolt is the vajra of Vajrayana Buddhism, the Adamantine Diamond of purity. If softened, it becomes the Serpent Kundalini Power. Raku activates your Hara Line, helping you to bring the Reiki energy through to the Ki channels, and ground it in the Hara Centre (Tan Tien or navel). It is evoked at the end of the attunement to separate your aura from the patient, and should also result in significant gains in energy for you.



Used to enhance your strength and independence, and integrity. Great for removing lassitude, laziness, and the inability to act.

Doubled Raku

For your powerful acts of creation, and sheer will power. Develops your qualities of Aries such as leadership, impulsiveness, and arrogance. Invoking spirits

Water: Sei-He-Ki


For healing emotional upsets or disturbances. Symbolises the polarity of male/female or Man/God, or even Above/Below. Sei-He-Ki aligns your upper chakras.


Sei-He-Ki brings out the origin of the emotional trauma to the surface mind of the patient, who may relive it. Holding Sei-He-Ki should enable you to release these feelings. Helps you to express pent-up feelings. This symbol is implemented at the beginning of treatment, and when it is needed. According to AJ Mackenzie Clay, it awakens and purifies kundalini, re-patterning the brain and healing the mind/body connection through the subconscious.

Doubled Sei-He-Ki

A mirror image of the symbols placed together gives a representation of the right and left halves of the brain, which indicates the balancing power. For purification or protection in the environment, such as clearing negative energy, exorcisms, guarding a room or house.

Air: Hon-She-Ze-Sho-Nen


Use to get access to to the Akashic records, seeing the debts, goals, contracts and your life purpose. You Transmute past experiences to release yourself from problems in this life. You can change mental patterns and damaging mental attitudes. Changes to the past automatically change the present and future. Also for distance healing, healing karmic effects.

Doubled Hon-She-Ze-Sho-Nen

Visualise the symbols as being slightly behind each other. Employ it for healing and changing the future.

Earth: Cho-ku-Rei


To increase your power; the ‘light switch’. Employ it to illuminate or indicate the position or nature of a problem, and it intensifies healing energy like a laser. Visualise Cho-ku-Rei either clockwise or anti-clockwise. If one direction decreases energy, for shrinking tumours, for example.

Doubled Cho-ku-Rei

For your manifestations


Take regular attunements as a booster, but with the Reiki Crystal.

Reiki Masters will also benefit, making you powerful and expert at Attunements, increasing your income.