Rules of Astrology in Tarot

The Rules of Astrology for Tarot readers

Certain astrological rules have remained constant throughout the centuries, but the modern focus on Character readings where flattery and not the need for objectivity has generally obscured their importance. Most Tarot readings concern events, so we can take these traditional rules to our advantage.

How Planets relate to Houses

So far you have looked at placements in astrology – the house signs and relationships between the planets. Now you will look at how the planets relate to the houses; how they are strengthened or weakened within a sign.

MarsAries, ScorpioTaurus, LibraCapricornCancerLeo6
VenusTaurus, LibraAries, ScorpioPiscesVirgoSagittarius5
MercuryGemini, VirgoSagittarius, PiscesVirgoPiscesCancer, Capricorn1
JupiterSagittarius, PiscesGemini, VirgoCancerCapricornAries, Taurus, Libra11
SaturnCapricorn, AquariusLeo, CancerLibraAriesGemini, Virgo12
Strengths and weaknesses of the planets in the Zodiac

Astrological Rulerships

This table is simpler than it seems . Each of the seven main planets rule two signs each, except the Sun and the Moon, so we can see that the two luminaries are aspects of each other. Planets in their own signs are at home – they are strong.

Planets in their Detriment place are weak, which means that the signs ruled are also weakened. Note the symmetry: Mars is in detriment in the signs ruled by Venus and vice versa, Mercury and Jupiter are polarities, as are the Sun/Moon and Saturn.

Planets in their exalted place are very strong, which also strengthens their own signs. The weakest place, Fall, is exactly opposite, or seven signs away. Planets in the Fall position are correspondingly weakest.

Planets in signs other than the ones described above have a normal strength.

If two planets are found in the other’s ruling sign, there is a condition of mutual reception, which is also powerful, and shows that they exchange energy easily. Think of it as when your host invites you to treat their house as if it was your own.

The Joys of the Planets

The house that a planet is happiest in, irrespective of the real zodiac sign. This system comes from Firmicus Maternus in the fourth century.

All good astrologers have memorised this information.


Convert the above table into the corresponding Major arcana. You can also do a similar exercise with the Minor arcana.