Magic Mirrors and the Tree of Life

Between the magical mirrors lies… nothing, yet Grant and Bertiaux identify the Tree of Life, with its Back Side, there. For the system to succeed, the Tree is an irrelevance – it is not needed. In fact it is an encumbrance, an elephant in the room. In the magical mirror the Tree of Life, with Adverse, Back Side and Beneath is redundant.
The system of Neti-Neti requires transcendence of all forms. It is as if they are requiring the student to place something that is not there in the first place – the ultimate joke. I have met magicians in the Literal School. Bertiaux and Grant are masters of the magical mirror.
The silvered glass in the mirror and black paint show duality; the White and Black of the Pillars of Mercy and Severity, and the black and white tiles. If ever there was a lesson in transcending dualism and opposites, Neti-Neti reigns supreme. Between the Silver and the Black is space, nothingness, which reminds us of the Supernal Triangle.
Western magicians love to pigeon-hole spirits in convenient places on the sephirah and paths of the Tree of Life. Neti-Neti demonstrates no need for this.

Magic Mirrors and the Tarot

The ability to skry is a skill far more advanced than that required for reading the Tarot. Tarot cards with pictures, art, symbols, colours, all things that are by their nature ephemeral. No wonder students of Tarot get so frustrated at their inability to read the Tarot, for as soon as they start a reading, they forget the meanings! In the act of reading the Tarot, the diviner is in that space between the magical mirror, so it is not surprising the meanings of the cards are forgotten.
If only we had more faith in his ability, he would find himself in that space where he can skry. The cards occupy the space between the reader and the client, but the cards themselves are jumping off points , that colour the space.

Opening of the Key Spread

In the Opening of the Key tarot spread the practice of card counting is the technique of leaping. Leaping allows the energy to change between the cards; each stage of the card count is another space between the magical mirror. The last technique of the Opening of the Key spread is to pair the cards from outside to the centre. This pairing mirrors (pun intended) the two mirrors. If the voltigeurs don’t get you, the mirrors will. Using magical mirrors results in a huge release of creative energy, so the tarot reader will find his ability to See enhanced.

11- the number of Magick

As Crowley said, and Grant developed, the number of Magick is 11. I am not going to explore the numerology here, but the two ones resemble the two magic mirrors facing each other.
So where is the use of magical methods such as invoking and evoking, and magical circles in using the magical mirror? There are some who hold that the magical mirror is placed in the triangle of manifestation as described in the grimoires. Once the skill of skrying is developed, the mirrors may no longer be required. All images perceived in the mirror are changed by the will of the magician.

Liber 231 and Magic Mirrors

Liber 231 is a mysterious document by Aleister Crowley that presents us with two sets of symbols for the 22 Major Arcana with a short text of 22 verses. 3×22=66, associated with the Qlippoth and the Great Work (Liber 777). 66 is the summation 1-11, the number of Magick and Change. The Great Work is the Knowledge and Conversation with one’s Holy Guardian Angel. Eleven is one beyond ten, the sephiroth on the Tree of Life. The eleventh sephirah is Daath, the gate Universe B. 231 is the number of pairs of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. How Crowley conceived of the two sets of symbols for the Hebrew letters is unknown. The use of magical mirrors was significant. In any case, the 231 Gates are part of the Sepher Yetsirah, a mystical book of Kabbalah.

The Fool – Duality in Unity – 0=2 and the Egg

In Liber 777 the Fool is eleven; and the Fool is zero in the Major Arcana, and we see echoes, or the origin of Aleister Crowley’s favourite equation, 0=2. 101 is a representation of the magic mirror, zero representing the space between the mirrors. The Fool is the Mother Letter of Aleph, the Air, the element of division.
The duality represented here might also be in the Lovers or Brothers:
No very special importance is attached to Cupid in alchemical figures. Yet, in one sense, he is the source of all action; the libido to express Zero as Two. From another point of view, he may be regarded as the intellectual aspect of the influence of Binah upon Tiphareth, for (in one tradition) the title of the card is “The Children of the Voice, the Oracle of the Mighty Gods”. Book of Thoth
The tradition is of course from the Golden Dawn. The paragraph continues to link in the Art card, which Crowley says is studied in with the Lovers.
In the context Fool is not as air, but as Space, Akasha:
The Egg is not only Akasha, but the original egg in the biological sense. This egg issues from the lotus, which is the symbol of the Yoni. Book of Thoth
Its all in the egg. The lips of the vagina also represent the priestess as oracular, another magic mirror. This brings to mind techniques of sex magic where the lips of the Priestess are on the lips of the High Priestess.

Magic Mirrors in Tarot

The ambiguity and duality of the fascination of the Magic Mirror is in the High Priestess and the Moon. The Moon is of course associated with Pisces, whose symbol is a magic mirror, while the High Priestess is with the Moon. Crowley and Frieda Harris’ representation of her is taken from the Gnostic Mass. In the Moon we see the twin towers, symbolizing the mirrors. The Moon as illusion, while the Path of the High Priestess is from Tipareth to Kether – she crosses the Abyss.

Between the magical mirrors lies… nothing, yet Grant and Bertiaux identify the Tree of Life, with its Back Side, there. For the system to succeed, the Tree is an irrelevance – it is not needed. In fact it is an encumbrance, an elephant in the room. Grant and Bertiaux are conversant with Eastern philosophy, so one wonders why they continue with the artifice.  In the magical mirror the Tree of Life, with Adverse, Back Side and Beneath is entirely redundant.


The system of Neti-Neti requires transcendence of all forms. It is as if they are requiring the student to place something that is not there in the first place – the ultimate joke. I have met magicians in the Literal School, so perhaps I should not be surprised. Bertiaux and Grant are masters of the magical mirror, for the sheer creativity and energy in writing on magic.

The smooth, polished nature of the silvered glass in the mirror and the black paint show another kind of duality; the White and Black of the Pillars of Mercy and Severity, and the black and white tiles. If ever there was a lesson in transcending dualism and opposites, Neti-Neti reigns supreme. Between the Silver and the Black is space, nothingness, which reminds us of the Supernal Triangle.

Western magicians love to pigeon-hole spirits in convenient places on the sephirah and paths of the Tree of Life. Neti-Neti demonstrates no need for this.

Magic Mirrors and the Tarot

The ability to skry is a skill far more advanced than that required for reading the Tarot. Tarot cards is filled with pictures, art, symbols, colours, all things that are by their nature ephemeral. No wonder students of Tarot get so frustrated at their inability to read the Tarot, for as soon as they start a reading, they forget the meanings! If we truly understand the Magical Mirror, we immediately see what is happening – at the act of reading the Tarot, the diviner is in that space between the magical mirror, so it is not surprising the meanings of the cards are forgotten.

If only we had more faith in his ability, he would find himself in that space where he can skry. The cards occupy the space between the reader and the client, but the cards themselves are simply jumping off points (cf the voltigeurs above), that colour the space.

Opening of the Key Spread

The techniques for reading the Opening of the Key tarot spread facilitate the magical mirrors further, for the practice of card counting is a technique of leaping, which allows the energy to change between the cards, while each stage of the card count is another space between the magical mirror. The last technique of the Opening of the Key spread is to pair the cards from outside to the centre. This pairing mirrors (pun intended) the two mirrors. If the voltigeurs don’t get you, the mirrors will. Just as Dee, Bertiaux and Grant found, using magical mirrors results in a huge release of creative energy, so the tarot reader will find his ability to See greatly enhanced.

11- the number of Magick

As Crowley said, and Grant developed, the number of Magick is 11. I am not going to explore the numerology here, but the two ones greatly resemble the two magic mirrors facing each other.

So where is the use of magical methods such as invoking and evoking, and magical circles in using the magical mirror? There are some who hold that the magical mirror is placed in the triangle of manifestation as described in the grimoires. Once the skill of skrying is developed, the mirrors may no longer be required. All images perceived in the mirror are changed by the will of the magician.

Liber 231 and Magic Mirrors

Liber 231 is a mysterious document by Aleister Crowley that presents us with two sets of symbols for the 22 Major Arcana with a short text of 22 verses. 3×22=66,  associated with the Qlippoth and the Great Work (Liber 777). 66 is the summation 1-11, the number of Magick and Change. The Great Work is the Knowledge and Conversation with one’s Holy Guardian Angel. Eleven is one beyond ten, the sephiroth on the Tree of Life, and the eleventh sephirah is Daath, the gate Universe B. The significance of 231 is the number of pairs of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. How Crowley conceived of the two sets of symbols for the Hebrew letters has never been established. The use of magical mirrors was significant. In any case, the 231 Gates are part of the Sepher Yetsirah, a mystical book of Kabbalah.

The Fool – Duality in Unity – 0=2 and the Egg

On the Key Scale in Liber 777 the Fool is eleven; and the Fool is zero in the Major Arcana, and we see echoes, or the origin of Aleister Crowley’s favourite equation, 0=2. The eleven and 0 can easily be composed as 101, a representation of the magic mirror again, with the zero rather appropriately representing the space between the mirrors. The Fool is the Mother Letter of Aleph, the Air, the element of division.

Duality in the Lovers

The duality represented here might also be in the Lovers or Brothers:

No very special importance is attached to Cupid in alchemical figures. Yet, in one sense, he is the source of all action; the libido to express Zero as Two. From another point of view, he may be regarded as the intellectual aspect of the influence of Binah upon Tiphareth, for (in one tradition) the title of the card is “The Children of the Voice, the Oracle of the Mighty Gods”.

Book of Thoth

The tradition is of course from the Golden Dawn. The paragraph continues to link in the Art card, which Crowley says is studied in with the Lovers.

In the context Fool is not as air, but as Space, Akasha:

The Egg is not only Akasha, but the original egg in the biological sense. This egg issues from the lotus, which is the symbol of the Yoni.

Book of Thoth

Its all in the egg. The yoni reminds us that the lips of the vagina also represent the priestess as oracular, another magic mirror, and a favourite topic of discussion for Kenneth Grant. This brings to mind techniques of sex magic where the lips of the Priestess are on the lips of the High Priestess.

Magic Mirrors in Tarot

Between the magical mirrors lies… nothing, yet Grant and Bertiaux identify the Tree of Life, with its Back Side, there. For the system to succeed, the Tree is an irrelevance – it is not needed. In fact it is an encumbrance, an elephant in the room. In the magical mirror the Tree of Life, with Adverse, Back Side and Beneath is redundant.
The system of Neti-Neti requires transcendence of all forms. It is as if they are requiring the student to place something that is not there in the first place – the ultimate joke. I have met magicians in the Literal School. Bertiaux and Grant are masters of the magical mirror.
The silvered glass in the mirror and black paint show duality; the White and Black of the Pillars of Mercy and Severity, and the black and white tiles. If ever there was a lesson in transcending dualism and opposites, Neti-Neti reigns supreme. Between the Silver and the Black is space, nothingness, which reminds us of the Supernal Triangle.
Western magicians love to pigeon-hole spirits in convenient places on the sephirah and paths of the Tree of Life. Neti-Neti demonstrates no need for this.

Magic Mirrors and the Tarot

The ability to skry is a skill far more advanced than that required for reading the Tarot. Tarot cards with pictures, art, symbols, colours, all things that are by their nature ephemeral. No wonder students of Tarot get so frustrated at their inability to read the Tarot, for as soon as they start a reading, they forget the meanings! In the act of reading the Tarot, the diviner is in that space between the magical mirror, so it is not surprising the meanings of the cards are forgotten.
If only we had more faith in his ability, he would find himself in that space where he can skry. The cards occupy the space between the reader and the client, but the cards themselves are jumping off points , that colour the space.

Opening of the Key Spread

In the Opening of the Key tarot spread the practice of card counting is the technique of leaping. Leaping allows the energy to change between the cards; each stage of the card count is another space between the magical mirror. The last technique of the Opening of the Key spread is to pair the cards from outside to the centre. This pairing mirrors (pun intended) the two mirrors. If the voltigeurs don’t get you, the mirrors will. Using magical mirrors results in a huge release of creative energy, so the tarot reader will find his ability to See enhanced.

11- the number of Magick

As Crowley said, and Grant developed, the number of Magick is 11. I am not going to explore the numerology here, but the two ones resemble the two magic mirrors facing each other.
So where is the use of magical methods such as invoking and evoking, and magical circles in using the magical mirror? There are some who hold that the magical mirror is placed in the triangle of manifestation as described in the grimoires. Once the skill of skrying is developed, the mirrors may no longer be required. All images perceived in the mirror are changed by the will of the magician.

Liber 231 and Magic Mirrors

Liber 231 is a mysterious document by Aleister Crowley that presents us with two sets of symbols for the 22 Major Arcana with a short text of 22 verses. 3×22=66, associated with the Qlippoth and the Great Work (Liber 777). 66 is the summation 1-11, the number of Magick and Change. The Great Work is the Knowledge and Conversation with one’s Holy Guardian Angel. Eleven is one beyond ten, the sephiroth on the Tree of Life. The eleventh sephirah is Daath, the gate Universe B. 231 is the number of pairs of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. How Crowley conceived of the two sets of symbols for the Hebrew letters is unknown. The use of magical mirrors was significant. In any case, the 231 Gates are part of the Sepher Yetsirah, a mystical book of Kabbalah.

The Fool – Duality in Unity – 0=2 and the Egg

In Liber 777 the Fool is eleven; and the Fool is zero in the Major Arcana, and we see echoes, or the origin of Aleister Crowley’s favourite equation, 0=2. 101 is a representation of the magic mirror, zero representing the space between the mirrors. The Fool is the Mother Letter of Aleph, the Air, the element of division.
The duality represented here might also be in the Lovers or Brothers:
No very special importance is attached to Cupid in alchemical figures. Yet, in one sense, he is the source of all action; the libido to express Zero as Two. From another point of view, he may be regarded as the intellectual aspect of the influence of Binah upon Tiphareth, for (in one tradition) the title of the card is “The Children of the Voice, the Oracle of the Mighty Gods”. Book of Thoth
The tradition is of course from the Golden Dawn. The paragraph continues to link in the Art card, which Crowley says is studied in with the Lovers.
In the context Fool is not as air, but as Space, Akasha:
The Egg is not only Akasha, but the original egg in the biological sense. This egg issues from the lotus, which is the symbol of the Yoni. Book of Thoth
Its all in the egg. The lips of the vagina also represent the priestess as oracular, another magic mirror. This brings to mind techniques of sex magic where the lips of the Priestess are on the lips of the High Priestess.

Magic Mirrors in Tarot

The ambiguity and duality of the fascination of the Magic Mirror is in the High Priestess and the Moon. The Moon is of course associated with Pisces, whose symbol is a magic mirror, while the High Priestess is with the Moon. Crowley and Frieda Harris’ representation of her is taken from the Gnostic Mass. In the Moon we see the twin towers, symbolizing the mirrors. The Moon as illusion, while the Path of the High Priestess is from Tipareth to Kether – she crosses the Abyss.

The ambiguity and duality of the fascination of the Magic Mirror is found in the High Priestess and the Moon. The Moon is of course associated with Pisces, whose symbol is a magic mirror, while the High Priestess is with the Moon. Crowley and Frieda Harris’ representation of her is taken from the Gnostic Mass. In the Moon we see the twin towers, symbolizing the mirrors. The Moon as illusion, while the Path of the High Priestess is from Tipareth to Kether – she crosses the Abyss.