Magic and Mysticism

Magic and Mysticism

Magic and Mysticism have long been divorced from each other in the West, while in Eastern systems the distinction is somewhat blurred. A contributing factor in the western dichotomy has been the use of the Tree of Life as a catch-all system. However, there is a rebirth of mysticism and magic evident in conversations I have with users of Power crystals. This section will include articles by myself and other authors who have been working with the crystals to develop new systems of magic and mysticism, and the techniques they use. These techniques really work.

In order to unify magic and mysticism, long cherished concepts have to be look at afresh. Do western magical techniques really work? Can we improve on them? I was intrigued when Jeff Fairbanks told me of his powerful experiences using the classic Golden Dawn technique of the Middle Pillar Exercise, particularly when it was clear that he was not incorporating the Tree of Life into the visualisation. Then it turned out that we both had taken an interest in Platonic Solids, I was hooked.