Teaching Spiritual Development with Pundit

by Oct 9, 2015

Teaching spiritual development is actually the core work of Master Pundit Joshi and myself, although you might be forgiven for thinking the focus is on healing black magic and relationship problems.

The vast range of topics discussed on this website, from the tantric karmas such as vashikaran, Islamic healing techniques, zikr, chilla, shamanism, the spiritual realms like the Jinn, Khodam, the Goetia, John Dee’s Enochian magic system, Hindu and Islamic cosmology, Kabbalah, divination and astrology, and arabic mansions, Western magical techniques, and so on are interests that were directly inspired by my continued involvement with Punditt Maharaj, Master Pundit Joshi and Sufi Noor Allah.

Many clients of these Masters continue their contact to us long after their original problem was solved, because they are now finding their true spiritual path, and desire to learn more – they become students of spiritual knowledge. The true spiritual power of teaching is to be able transmit knowledge through silence and the healing spiritual agencies, which is what the Pundits and Sufi Noor Allah does, but this system is not part of our culture, and frankly it is impossible to describe. Personally I really enjoy this approach, because I never quite know what new spiritual knowledge will appear each day, but most people need a bit more help.

I find it awe-inspiring and so fulfilling when a client with a difficult black magic problem is cured, and then they tell me the spiritual experiences they are now having as a result, and I can help them understand and use these insights in their own life, becoming a spiritual healer or psychic, if that is the direction they choose to take.

Many well-known psychics and healers began their journey after receiving healing from the Pundits.

While Master Pundit Joshi and Sufi Noor Allah work in Silence, as you can see I do not have a problem with the more verbal approach! If you would like to learn more about how to develop your psychic, spiritual and healing gifts, the first stage is to consult Master Pundit Joshi – you do not need to have a particular problem – and he will begin to guide you on the tremendously exciting spiritual journey that is your life.

Intellectual understanding and comprehension always follow the spiritual experience, and not the other way round, which is the correct method of teaching. Many spiritual teachers describe experiences that for whatever reason are not available to the students. We show you how to use and develop your own spiritual experiences and insights, so it will always be at your pace. As your studies continue you will meet others on the same path so you can work and study together.

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