Enochian Magic: The 30 Aethyrs and Tarot


1 Occodon 1 LIL 7209 14931 1 Fool
2 Pascomb 2360 2 Magus
3 Valgars 5362 3 High Priestess
4 Doagnis 2 ARN 3636 15960 4 Empress
5 Pacasna 2362 5 Emperor
6 Dialiva 8962 6 Hierophant
7 Samapha 3 ZOM 4400 17296 7 Lovers
8 Virooli, 3660 8 Chariot
9 Andispi 9236 9 Justice
10 Thotanp 4 PAZ 2360 11660 10 The Hermit
11 Axziarg 3000 11 Fortune
12 Pothnir 6300 12 Strength
13 Lazdixi 5 LIT 8630 16738 13 Hanged Man
14 Nocamal 2360 14 Death
15 Tiarpax 5802 15 Temperance
16 Saxtomp 6 MAZ 3620 20040 1 Fool
17 Vauaamp 9200 2 Magus
18 Zirzird 7220 3 High Priestess
19 Opmacas 7 DEO 6363 20389 4 Empress
20 Genadol 7706 5 Emperor
21 Aspiaon 6320 6 Hierophant
22 Zamfres 8 ZID 4362 13900 7 Lovers
23 Todnaon 7236 8 Chariot
24 Pristac 2302 9 Justice
25 Oddiorg 9 ZIP 9996 17846 10 The Hermit
26 Cralpir 3620 11 Fortune
27 Doanzin 4230 12 Strength
28 Lexarph 10 ZAX 8880 11727
29 Comanan 1230
30 Tabitom 1617
31 Molpand 11 ICH 3472 15942 16 Devil
32 Vsnarda 7236 17 Tower
33 Ponodol 5234 13 Hanged Man
34 Tapamal 12 LOE 2658 13821 14 Death
35 Gedoons 7772 15 Temperance
36 Ambriol 3391 16 Devil
37 Gecaond 13 ZIM 8111 15684 17 Tower
38 Laparin 3360 18 Star
39 Docepax 4213 19 Moon
40 Tedoond 14 VTA 2673 20139 20 Sun
41 Viuipos 9236 21 Judgment
42 Ooanamb 8230 22 Universe
43 Tahando 15 OXO 1367 4620 1 Fool
44 Nociabi 1367 2 Magus
45 Tastoxo 1886 3 High Priestess
46 Cucarpt 16 LEA 9920 28390 4 Empress
47 Luacon 9230 5 Emperor
48 Sochial 9240 6 Hierophant
49 Sigmorf 17 TAN 7623 7 Lovers
50 Aydropt 8 Chariot
51 Tocarzi 2634 9 Justice
52 Nabaomi 18 ZEN 2346 19311 10 The Hermit
53 Zafasai 7689 11 Fortune
54 Yalpamb 9276 12 Strength
55 Torzoxi 19 POP 6236 15356 13 Hanged Man
56 Abaiond 6732 14 Death
57 Omagrap 2388 15 Temperance
58 Zildron 20 KHR 3626 14889 16 Devil
59 Parziba 7629 17 Tower
60 Totocan 3634 18 Star
61 Chirspa 21 ASP 5536 16829 19 Moon
62 Toantom 5635 20 Sun
63 Vixpalg 5658 21 Judgment
64 Ozidaia 22 LIN 2232 6925 22 Universe
65 Lazdixi 2326 18 Star
66 Calzirg 2367 1 Fool
67 Ronoamb 23 TOR 7320 21915 2 Magus
68 Onizimp 7262 3 High Priestess
69 Zaxanin 7333 4 Empress
70 Orcanir 24 NIA 8200 24796 5 Emperor
71 Chialps 8200 6 Hierophant
72 Soageel 8236 7 Lovers
73 Mirzind 25 VTI 5632 18201 8 Chariot
74 Obuaors 6333 9 Justice
75 Ranglam 6236 10 The Hermit
76 Pophand 26 DES 9232 18489 11 Fortune
77 Nigrana 3620 12 Strength
78 Bazchim 5637 13 Hanged Man
79 Saziami 27 ZAA 7220 22043 14 Death
80 Mathula 7560 15 Temperance
81 Orpamb 7263 16 Devil
82 Labnixp 28 BAG 2630 18066 17 Tower
83 Focisni 7236 18 Star
84 Oxlopar 8200 19 Moon
85 Vastrim 29 RII 9632 21503 20 Sun
86 Odraxti 4236 21 Judgment
87 Gomziam 7635 22 Universe
88 Toagla 30 TEX 4632 27532 19 Moon
89 Gemnimb 9636 20 Sun
90 Advorpt 7632 21 Judgment
91 Dazinal 5632 22 Universe
VII IX X Zodiac Colours
1 OLPAGED Dan E Scorpio brown, black 8
2 ZIRACAH Reuben S Aquarius sky-colour, blue, electrical or technological tones 11
3 HONONOL Judah W Leo Red, green 5
4 ZARNAAH Manasseh N Gemini White mixed with red or orange 3
5 GEBABEL Asher E-L Libra black, dark crimson, tawny, pastels 7
6 ZVRCHOL Simeon S-L Pisces white and glistening, turquoise 12
7 ALPVDVS Issachar W-L Cancer Green, russet 4
8 CADAAMP Benjamin N-L Sagittarius yellow, green sanguine 9
9 ZARZILG Naphtali E-R Virgo black, speckled, black speckled with blue 6
10 LAVAVOTH Gad S-R Aries White mixed with red 1
11 ZINGEN Zebulun W-R Capricorn dark, black, russet, dark brown 10
12 ARFAOLG Ephraim N-R Taurus White with lemon 2

Structure of the 30 Aethyrs

There is much conjecture of how the 30 Aethyrs are structured. The Gnostic view is of concentric circles, but western magicians like to force the sephiroth of the Tree of Life onto the Aethyrs. The Schuelers used the Gupta Vidya model, while Aleister Crowley’s Vision and the Voice tells us a lot about the Golden Dawn Grade system, and not a lot about the Aethyrs. Aethyr means ‘air’ – it is nebulous, unstable. The Governors associated with each Aethyr are rulers of the Earth, so it makes sense to consider the 12 Angelic Kings mentioned in the table above. The Angelic Kings are of course associated with the signs of the zodiac, and 12×30 = 360. Seeing the Aethyrs as in a circle makes more sense than the vertical model suggested by the use of the Sephiroth, for the Governors of Tex are found in the Water Watchtower, along with the first five aethyrs. In essence, the Water Watchtower unites the first and last of the Aethyrs. For the adventurous magician, this means that the Aethyrs can be entered from the first or the thirtieth aethyr.

Analysis of the structure of the Watchtowers reveals that each one will have seven Aethyrs. Since there are, with one exception, three governors to each Aethyr which equals 21 governors. There are actually 22 governors in each Watchtower, so one governor will be isolated. However, this does not work out in practice.

Analysis of the Water Watchtower

Starting with the Water Watchtower, we have the first five aethyrs, then a break to the 11th aethyr, ICH, which has the first two governors in Water, and the last in Fire. Simply from this we can see why ICH is considered to be the boundary between two elements. There is then one single governor, 65 Lazdixi in LIN. This Watchtower is then completed by TEX, which has four governors. Lazdixi thus appears twice in the Watchtower at 13 and 65, which suggests that this name has powerful unifying properties. LIN is unique in representing the Air, Water and Earth elements. Many books replace 65 Lazdixi with Paraoan, an evil governor made up of the two remaining squares in each Watchtower.

The Fire Watchtower

This table starts from the 6th Aethyr, MAZ, then continues in sequence to include 9 ZIP – four aethyrs in all. The 10th is ZAX, which is not part of the Watchtowers. The sequence continues with the third governor of 11 ICH and continues with the next three Aethyrs, LOE, ZIM and VTA.

The Air Watchtower

The Air table has e a continuous run of Aethyrs, starting with 15 OXO to 21 ASP. The final governor is the first of 22 LIN, so this aethyr marks the boundary between elements.

The Earth Watchtower

Like Air, this table is continuous, starting with the last governor of 22 LIN through to 29 RII.


Gematria can be used to gain a simple insight into the nature of the Aethyrs, using a transliteration from English to Hebrew.

  • A – Aleph, 1
  • B – Beth, 2
  • G – Gimel, 3
  • D – Daleth, 4
  • E – Heh, 5
  • V – Vav, 6
  • Z – Zayn 7
  • H – Ch, 8
  • T – Teth, 9
  • I – Yod, 10
  • K – Kaph, 20
  • L – Lamed, 30
  • M – Mem, 40
  • N – Nun, 50
  • S – Samekh, 60
  • O – Ayn, 70
  • P – Peh, 80
  • X – Tzaddi, 90
  • R – 200

The list above covers all the letters used in the Aethyrs – there is no Q for example, and it was my first attempt. The attributions below come from Liber 777, a book well-known of course to Crowley. There are some interesting parallels, particularly the evil connotations of ZAX, while the feminine qualities of OXO works well. It is not beyond the realms of imagination to consider that Crowley may well have used a similar base for his initial analysis of the Aethyrs.

  1. LIL – 70 70 is the number of Nothingness, the Eye, night, silence, speech and wine.
  2. ARN – 251 Ark of the Covenant, Master
  3. ZOM 117 Chief, fog, darkness
  4. PAZ 88 Danger, darkness, heat, red hot, purification
  5. LIT 49 Heat, fury, silence, birth, measuring rod
  6. MAZ 48 A strong woman, heat, an army, mercy, to measure
  7. DEO 79 Pillars, union, pen
  8. ZID 21 Deep meditation, purity, innocence
  9. ZIP 97 Building, architect, creator, quicksilver, hand’s breadth
  10. ZAX 98 Lightning, punishment, plague, bright white light
  11.  IKH 35 AGLA, boundary, limit
  12. LOE 105 Desert, ruin, change
  13. ZIM 57 Terrible destruction, consuming, then creation, secret knowledge, builders, the altar
  14. VTA 15 Precious stone, pride, lamentation. Overflowing, impelling with force
  15. OXO 230 Eternal, worlds, Virgin woman, thigh
  16. LEA 36 Goddess, to remove, cast away
  17. TAN 60 Prophecy, visions, vessels, traditions, watchtower, glory, pride, test of fire
  18. ZEN 62 Prophecy, sons, healing, prostitute, circle
  19. POP 230 Eternal, worlds, Virgin woman, thigh
  20. KHR 228 First born, blessed, kerub.
  21. ASP 141 Gathered, trust, law, first
  22. LIN 90 Silence, priests, water, memorial, desolation, stones, basket
  23. TOR 279 no number
  24. NIA 61 Master, Goddess Kali, the void, vagina
  25. VTI 25 Beast, let there be, will be separated, Shekinah
  26. DES 69 Manger, stable, error, sin, myrtle
  27. ZAA 9 Black fire, black magic, brother, belly, death, pregnancy
  28. BAG 6 Father, meditator, roof, cover, gather, collect
  29. RII 220 Desert, heroine, giant, stranger, clean, conceal, meditation
  30. TEX 414 Limitless light, fluid, AYN SVP AVR

The importance of AGLA

The acronym AGLA, Adonai Gibor LeolAm, a powerful method of clearing space is very relevant to the Aethyrs. The 88th governor of TEX is TAOAGLA, while my numeration gives a higher working for IKH, the junction between Fire and Water. AGLA appears on the obverse of the Sigil Dei Aemeth, which suggests a powerful connection. Aemeth, Truth, is AMTh in Hebrew, so the three letters may parallel the three lettered names of the Aethyrs. In other words, once the energies of the Sigil Dei Aemeth are in place, the magician will find it easier to project himself into into whatever Aethyr he desires to visit. ICH and LIN become very significant since they are junction points between the elements.