Paul Hughes-Barlow
If you meet Buddha on the road, Kill him

If you meet Buddha on the road, Kill him

There’s an old saying, “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.” Which is a rather extraordinary state of affairs, and I must confess that until very recently I did not understand what it meant. However , recent events have given me an insight. Magicians often...

Spiritually transform objects with energy

Spiritually transform objects with energy

My Sufi Teacher was able to spiritually transform objects simply by touching or waving his hand over something, which was usually alcohol or food. Part of my spiritual training involved drinking prodigious amounts of alcohol (not recommended unless you have someone...

Client Experiences

Client Experiences

Client experience of healing from Paul Hughes-Barlow... God truly works in mysterious ways. I still do not fully understand why this door has opened for me. The only thing I can assume is that it was meant to be so. I did not intentionally seek out Punditt, I was not...

Punditt Maharaj – Spiritual Master

Punditt Maharaj – Spiritual Master

There comes a time when you realise that the spiritual and magical systems do not quite match up to your expectations. There is more to them, but their limitations become more and more clear. Punditt Maharaj exemplified this extraordinary ability to transcend all...

Access Akashic Records with Tarot

Access Akashic Records with Tarot

This ritual to use akashic records will take some months to complete, so you will need a sacred space where you can keep the Tarot in the order that they were shuffled and dealt out. Learning the basic techniques of Elemental Dignities, card counting and pairing up to...

Three Gunas – Forces of Transformation

Three Gunas – Forces of Transformation

As the engine of the Universe, it is constantly changing within Itself, although it appears to change not. The three gunas are described in Vedic texts, particularly the Bhagavad Gita, and Lord Krishna, the Dark Lord. The fourfold order was created by Me according to...