The Hermit Therapy – analysing problems

by May 12, 20140 comments

I am sure you know the scene in a Hollywood movie. The camera slowly pans around the close-up of the head and shoulders of the actor. At the resolution of the scene, or in the mind of the character, we see a second, blurred profile of the actor, which is then pulled into focus, and we become aware that until that moment, we had seen only a reflection in the mirror. The plot has clearly developed, come into focus, and the movie rolls on.

Transformations within Readings

This cinematic technique is at play in a tarot reading. The client arrives clear in her intent. She knows who she is, but she wants some answers. As the reading progresses, the view of the state changes, and the dim realisation of a new angle, or idea that can transform the dynamics of the reading. Guided by the reader, she starts to understand that her situation is not fixed, that there is less reality than she thought. At the same time, the past is an illusion. This strange duality, the juxtaposition of the resolute past projected into the prototype future which morphs into a future, can occur at any time during the reading. It is fascinating to watch the face, as the confusion of circumstances is replaced with that metaphorical light bulb switching on. The anxieties etched into the wrinkles, the pallor of the skin is smoothed out, and a glow is discernible. The eyes focus on the possibilities of the future.

Things fall into place: clues that did not arise during the first part of the reading suddenly comes to light either from the client or the reader. We are at a delicate state. The nascent awareness is often unstable at this point. She moves in and out of the new awareness as the internal battles rage; will the certainties of the past, however miserable, triumph over the hope of an untested and unproven era? Very often a mixture of reassurance that the life will happen coupled with confirmation of just how bad the circumstances were before is earnestly required from the reader. Sometimes all that is necessary is some tact and gentle persuasion, while the direness of the consequences of not changing have to be laid on with a trowel.

Exploring the origins of problems

With clients who are of a stronger disposition, and who are able to articulate their experiences in the greater picture, it is possible to explore the mechanics of how they got into their state; how they can consolidate their progress, and how they can move on and develop their new life. They have invariably thought about it many times before the reading, but either their courage failed them, or they could not see how or why it could work. While the Reader may have said something to trigger the realisations, which were already there, waiting to surface. In the Hollywood scenario, the head shot, tells us that we are dealing with the mind of the character. Even if there is an external trigger, it is because the character was expecting something already. A successful  reading works in the same way.

While there are many successes, there are also failures. After all, Readings are not like therapy sessions, where the intent is clearly known from the start. In formal therapy, the client wants to stop smoking, or cure depression, or other malady. There is an agreement between patient and therapist about the course of treatment. In the USA, the patient expects the doctor to consult them about the course of treatment, an extreme which seems bizarre to European eyes.

People have an idea of what a reading might be about – the usual suspects, love, work, health, etc. But it is the strangeness that enables possibilities to arise. Clients do not expect to tell the reader their situation; it is up to us to articulate what is going on in their life.

Passive Readings doomed to failure

Fortunately the old style, where the client sits mute, arms folded, grimly determined to give nothing away, while the fortune-teller tells them “what is going to happen”, is becoming a distant memory. My heart sinks when I get the “You’re supposed to tell me…” line. Now I have a clear choice. In the past I gamely struggled on, and after 20 minutes the client would say “I haven’t understood a word you have said…” They are not questioning their life; they are fatalistic, they believe nothing can be done to change things. There is no wiring in place for a switch, let alone a light bulb. I am so used to speaking in a way that allows the client to be empowered, motivated, able to change her life, that my dismal attempts (and they are dismal – my heart is so not into it) of “the tarot says this…, this will happen…” result in dissatisfaction for all concerned. If I cannot convince them of the futility of this approach, the reading ends right there and then. Why should I waste my time and breath, even if I am paid?

Having said that, there are times when such a passive reading is practical, not to say imperative, but we are getting ahead of ourselves. The reader has identified the issues that allow the client to move ahead, once that inner realisation has manifested. We are at a delicate juncture, and it is here that the reader can kill the process or continue advancement. Depending on how the client expresses herself, there are two basic approaches, both dependent on the experience of the reader, and the luck of how the cards fall. This critical point where the client is about to embark on a life came about for whatever reason (sometimes it is a word, or gesture, or something else, we are not always sure). This is where it is often advisable to do another reading based either on the awareness (fingers and toes crossed that the cards show greater clarity and more positive outcomes), or what will happen if the changes manifested are not maintained. Invariably the Tarot displays a subtlety and light touch that belies the slightly manufactured agenda of the reader at this point, thank goodness.

Standing back for a moment, what are the stages we have discussed? A person comes for insight into their situation. There are two unknowns – that of the reader who does know the person, and the client herself, who does not know what to expect. The client may be fearful, although she may not show it. The reading itself identifies what has happened, where the client is at the present, what the future may be, and what can be done about it, and the reader says something that trigger within the client that brings about paradigms and directions for the future. We are in classic initiatory territory.

Inner Awakenings and Intuition

This process of inner awakening is akin to an initiation in primitive society, a shamanic healing, or any other kind of ritualistic procedure. The principle difference is that because of the two Unknowns, that of the Tarot reader, and that of the client, the initiation can transcend the limitations and expectations that might be reasonably expected to have happened in more formal circumstances. Despite these two Unknowns, the client already knew deep within, but she was unwilling or unable to countenance the consequences, or perhaps she was suffering from analysis paralysis. As a Tarot Reader, I came to the insight many years ago that clients Knew deep within – it was simply a matter of finding a way to find and validate that knowledge within the client. Either way, the power of the Tarot facilitated the process, while the reader does not need to know precisely what it was that turned the key in the lock. Done properly, the ego of the reader is never a block to the progress of the client.

Reader as Initiator

The role of the Tarot reader as Initiator or Initiatrix occurs at levels where neither reader nor client is aware of the initiation. I must make it clear that there is no initiation into some weird occult group. Certainly religion or beliefs are not necessarily discussed, nor do they need to be relevant. My experience is that both the reader and the client become more human, and an element of greater faith in human nature naturally results. At the moment of initiation time stands still; past and future stand in balance. In the words of Aleister Crowley on Adjustment,

Balance against each though its exact opposite.
For the Marriage of these is the Annihilation of Illusion.

Justice, or rather justesse, the act of adjustment, suspension of all action pending decision

The Chariot

Crowley follows the Golden Dawn transposition of the Adjustment or Justice with the Strength or Lust , so it is instructive to study the cards preceding and following it. Before Adjustment is the Chariot. Travel and triumph as the principle keywords of this card, but there are other aspects pertaining. Crowley says:

The Issue of the Vulture, Two-in-One, conveyed;this is the Chariot of Power.
TRINC: the last oracle.

Triumph, victory, hope, memory, digestion, violence in maintaining traditional ideas, the “die-hard”, ruthlessness, lust of destruction, obedience, faithfulness, authority under authority.

The card following is most instructive, and one we have already come across, the Hermit, the person who has inner knowledge. In the light of this understanding, the Hermit is not someone who shuns society, but he or she can help, bring light and understanding to others. The initiation that happened during the reading sets the client on a phase of inner awareness and inner direction that will help them help others.

The sequence of Chariot, Adjustment and Hermit points to a paradox experienced by many who are on the Path. They experience the pressures (Chariot), but they feel they are standing still (Justice/Adjustment), as they try to move forward on the inner planes, while having to help others (Hermit). Although life appears to have come to a full stop, it is in reality moving extremely fast, but it invisible to those who cannot see the progress, and who try to insist that they make progress in the ‘real world’ of work, mortgages, and social mores. Are you still in the oppression whirlwind of the Chariot or have you found the transitory peace of Adjustment, or are you consciously working to bring social change to humanity? The choice is yours. As a Tarot reader are you working to bring about transformation within yourself and your clients?

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