Enochian Magic & Stonehenge – a Vision

by Sep 6, 20140 comments

Enochian Magic and Stonehenge might be a surprising combination, but you never know on your spiritual journey. The last time I visited Stonehenge, I paid for the privilege – the heavens opened with torrential rain, hail and a gale. That was an expensive 5 minutes gazing at the stones from afar before running back to the car to get warm again. So when a colleague mentioned in passing that he was going to the winter solstice, I quickly invited myself. For one and a half hours the public would be able to wander freely amongst the stones while waiting for the sun to rise on the shortest day.

Stonehenge at the Winter Solstice

We started off at 5am in the dark to get there by 7.30, and we both had the same thought – sometimes the journey is more important than arriving. People have been manipulating and misusing the energies in and around sacred stone sites and I was keen to see any changes. Despite a few wrong turnings we were eventually travelling west along the A303 waiting for the road to narrow. By now there was enough light to show the mist and fog. By the roadside we saw several hawks hovering – a good omen. We breasted the hill, and there between the forks in the road we could see the stones gently glowing in the dewy soft light. Above, the sky was clear, so maybe we would see the sun rise through the stones after all. There were some police, but they were more concerned with traffic control. We parked in the lane to the back of the monument, surprised at the thickness of the ice in the puddles.

Seeing the Vortex above Stonehenge

We tramped across the field to the stones. As I looked ahead, there was a  beautiful vortex arising from the centre of Stonehenge. The centre area was packed with people and a few camera crews, all wrapped up against the cold, except for the priests from various groups who were to practice rituals. There was a handfasting too. The atmosphere was relaxed, and the police kept a low profile. We wandered around the stones drinking in the atmosphere. I heard someone say, ‘People make the stones come alive’. So true. Although there was a light blue sky above, an obdurate bank of cloud obscured the eastern horizon, and we never did see the sun.

John Dee

The account above would have been so different if I had not witnessed the dramatic energy changes en-route to Stonehenge. Sitting in the car driving along the south coast to Southampton before turning north, I could see dark lines of energy in the air. This was not a good sign, especially as the earth felt cold and dead. Working with the spirits, this energy began to change and the earth began to waken in patterns I had seen in the Enochian Watchtowers. John Dee appeared, as did William William Stukely, the antiquarian and expert on stone circles. Suddenly I could see stone circles all around the UK radiating energy. The transformation of energies were complete, and it was not a surprise to see the vortex rising from Stonehenge as we walked towards it.

These experiences forced me to re-evaluate Dee’s Enochian magical system as we drove in the dark. The distortions of the Golden Dawn which emphasised the use of ritual magic, are becoming more and more recognised, now that scholarly research has established that Dee only used crystal balls and earnest prayer to invoke the spirits and explore spiritual realms. As viewed from the GD, we are led to believe that we are following the path of one’s Holy Guardian Angel, but my experiences on the way to Stonehenge clearly established the notion that Enochian magic is Earth based. Is that such an extraordinary idea? Am I being heretical? I knew from recent work done on the Old Steine and the chakras of Brighton, that spiritual energies had returned to the area, and one reason for travelling to Stonehenge was to see if this transformation in my home town would be reflected in the greatest stone circle in Europe.

John Dee was court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I; he appointed the optimum astrological moment for her coronation, and he oversaw the rise of England from bankruptcy and debt to being the most powerful country in the world. He invented the term British Commonwealth, which grew to become the British Empire at its height before World War I. He was fascinated with mathematics and navigation, and sponsored expeditions to the New World of America. Embedded within the four Watchtowers are the names of 93 Governors who rule all parts of the world. Crystals are obviously from the earth. We know Dee was interested in Earth energies, and he was the first to propose that the landscape around Glastonbury Tor was shaped to represent a zodiac circle.

Enochian magic should be seen as a partnership between the invisible rulers of earth, the Governors and Spirits as found in Enochian, and the five billion humans, most of whom have lost their spiritual identity as guardians of this beautiful planet. All is not lost!

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