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Learning from Pundit – a constant enigma

Learning from Pundit – a constant enigma

Punditt Maharaj is one of the greatest, and probably least known spiritual masters in the world. While there are many people who benefited from his spiritual healing, he rarely discussed his work. Learning from Pundit was never an easy thing. I have been Punditt’s...

The Perfect Petty Tyrant aids spiritual development

The Perfect Petty Tyrant aids spiritual development

Carlos Castaneda coined the phrase ‘petty tyrant’ in his book The Fire From Within. A number of people have written about it, but they obviously have not undergone it themselves, so I have decided to discuss my own experiences. To have a petty tyrant in one’s...

Technology of the Unknown in spiritual development

Technology of the Unknown in spiritual development

The Unknown is Unknowable! The Unknown is like the horizon, however fast you travel, or how high you soar, the horizon will still be beyond you. The critical point for accessing the Unknown is the Junction Point, or Gap. The technology of the Unknown is beyond Dark...

How to know the Unknown – an oxymoron?

How to know the Unknown – an oxymoron?

How do you know the Unknown? Punditt Maharaj used the strap-line “The Man Who Knows the Unknown” in his advertising. Precisely what this meant eluded me for some years, but eventually made sense, and it fitted in with his style of teaching. Punditt rarely discussed...

Prophecy – Azazel appears unbidden

Prophecy – Azazel appears unbidden

Prophecy - when Azazel appeared on St Patricks Day A few days ago on St Patrick's Day, I was in the pub when Azazel appeared. He did not say much, but he indicated that I should write about the experience, which I did. Afterwards, I thought I should check what the...

Spiritual Lineage & Secret Societies

Spiritual Lineage & Secret Societies

To many people, spiritual power comes by meditation, ritual, chanting, fasting, book study, drawing magical circles, and one hundred and one other methods. The fact is that none of these will give you true spiritual power. Spending time with a Guru is a far better...

If you meet Buddha on the road, Kill him

If you meet Buddha on the road, Kill him

There’s an old saying, “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.” Which is a rather extraordinary state of affairs, and I must confess that until very recently I did not understand what it meant. However , recent events have given me an insight. Magicians often...

Spiritually transform objects with energy

Spiritually transform objects with energy

My Sufi Teacher was able to spiritually transform objects simply by touching or waving his hand over something, which was usually alcohol or food. Part of my spiritual training involved drinking prodigious amounts of alcohol (not recommended unless you have someone...

Client Experiences

Client Experiences

Client experience of healing from Paul Hughes-Barlow... God truly works in mysterious ways. I still do not fully understand why this door has opened for me. The only thing I can assume is that it was meant to be so. I did not intentionally seek out Punditt, I was not...

What tuning the crystals can do for you

What tuning the crystals can do for you

By YuKwan Here is what happened after Paul worked on tuning the crystals purchased from elsewhere. About a year ago I ran into a site and read about the 7 psi crystals. A few months later I purchased the crystals and up until they were tuned- when the crystals were...

A primer on how to use the Crystals and Psychic power

A primer on how to use the Crystals and Psychic power

So, you finally got your quartz crystal or whatever doodad you got that uses any psychic power. Great job lad/lass! But now what? That’s a question we all face and this article will be a primer on how to use crystals and psychic power- essentially rules that you must...